I have a long series of digits (15) and I need to add three periods- one after the 5th character, one after the 9th, and one after the 11th. The field I want to update has the same number of characters every time and I need the periods and the same place every time. So I need:
Before: 123456789012345
After: 12345.6789.01.2345
Normally I would use LEFT() and RIGHT() but that seems difficult with this problem.
You actually can accomplish this using LEFT() and RIGHT(), but you will have to nest some of the functions:
Left([Field1], 5) + ‘. ‘+ Right(Left([Field1], 9), 4) + ‘.’ + Left(Right([Field1], 6), 2) + ‘.’ + Right([Field1], 4)
If you don’t want to deal with nested functions, you can get the same result using substrings:
Substring([Field1],0,5) + ‘.’ + Substring([Field1],5,4) + ‘.’ + Substring([Field1],9,2) + ‘.’ + Substring([Field1], 11,5 )
Hope that helps!